Portfolio New Media 2011

Standards in Media Competence

There are some standards in media competence which have to be fulfilled after year 5, 9 and 12. These standards of course differ, because younger students have to know less than older ones.  For you as a teacher it is important to know some of the standards because it is your job to teach some of the aspects to your students.  The standards differ from school to school.

After year 5

Here are listed some general aspects that should be known after year 5. It is important that the students know how to use a computer, that means some general knowledge about how to create files or how to format a text. These very basic competences are an important foundation for an appropriate use of the computer. It is not possible to have big computer knowledge at this early age, and I think it is not necessary to have it, but it is good to teach your students the importance of computers and their relevance for their whole private and working life. It is also possible to arrange a computer course in year 5 where the students can get something like an “Internet license”. The big advantage of it is the fact that all students no matter from which private background or elementary school they come from, are on the same level. It is easier to add to this knowledge in the later school years.

Furthermore, I think it is totally necessary to teach the students at this early age how to use digital cameras, microphones and the “Digitale Schultasche”. This is basic knowledge which they need for projects in school, or lectures that they are supposed to give. Moreover, it is indispensable to draw the students’ attention to the fact that it is important to stay anonymous in the web. There are so many students, especially at this early age, who do not know all the dangers if they present themselves in social networks and publish too much personal information. It is the job of the school as an educational institution to make the students aware of it and to prevent any crimes as a result of too much personal data on the web.

After year 9

There are some other standards in media competence which students should have at the age of 14 or 15. They are more advanced and do know already how to use a computer, but nevertheless it is important to teach them how to use a computer and the internet correctly and efficiently. In addition to that, it is a problem that the students at this age are in puberty, because in this phase it is not easy to tell them what is wrong and what is right concerning private information on the web, because they want to publish as much information as possible in order to be “cool”. But it is important as a teacher to always hint at the fact that it is dangerous to publish private aspects. I am of the opinion that students cannot hear this advice often enough because it takes a long time until they really get the point and understand what the problem is.

Furthermore it is necessary to show them how to use programs like Microsoft Word, Excel or Power Point efficiently. It is important that they know what is possible with these programs, how they can work with it, and wherefore these programs can facilitate the work. It is helpful if a teacher wants to have certain homework in a printed version or wants presentations with Power Point, because then students are forced to work with and learn the new programs. This is not only a good preparation for the years 11, 12 and 13 but also for the upcoming job because no job works without computer knowledge and especially the knowledge of these basic programs.

Another important aspect is the use of Google. It is important to give the students an introduction into the search with Google, because this searching program is needed most frequently in todays’ society. It is not so easy to find reliable sources on the web that is because it is necessary to show the students how to search in the right way and how to get the best results.

After year 12

There are not so many aspects which you have teach your students at this age concerning media, because it is normal that they take a closer look to the use of computers and the internet because they are interested in it. At this stage all the basics should be there and it is only important to make them aware of all aspects concerning copy right so that they do not get any trouble. It is also helpful to give tips about proper downloading and a serious choice of web sites, because there do exist so many web sites that are not professional and it is important that students at this age are able to figure out these webpages.

All in all, it is to say that it is important to deal with the topic of media competence in school, because for the students it will be easier to come along in future life if they have some computer knowledge and are able to use the internet properly.